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17824 Jefferson St., PO Box 401, Union, IL

(815) 923-4203                


Office Hours: M & W 10 am-2 pm or by appointment

Website:            Facebook: stjunion

                                          Together at St. John’s we strive for                                                 inspiring worship of God 
     growing in our love for Jesus
                           providing relevant opportunities for study, service,                                    and extravagant hospitality

Feb. 16th, 2025- Rev. Dee Ann Woods is filling the pulpit. Her sermon is What Might Happen. 
Scripture: Isaiah 43:18-21 


Feb. 23rd, 2025- In Each Other's Shadows
Luke 6:27-38
What’s so golden about the golden rule?


Second Tuesday of the Month: Taco Tuesday- 11:30 AM at Clasens'


Second Tuesday of the month- Church Council Meetings- 5:30 PM

Pastor Announces Retirement

Pastor Steve has announced his desire to retire from ordained ministry. His last Sunday will be March 2nd.

St. John has appointed a Search Team to seek an interim pastor at this time.

Please be in prayer for Pastor Steve and the Search Team as they seek out new pastoral leadership.


St. John Receives 5 for 5 Certificate
The Illinois Conference of the UCC and the United CC Staff sent us a 5-for-5
certificate because we give to the following five offerings to help the vital ministries in the U.S. and around the world.
Our Church's Wider Mission (OCWM) basic support
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) 4th Sunday in Lent

Strengthen the Church (STC) Pentecost
Neighbors in Need (NIN) 1st Sunday in October
Christmas Fund 4th Sunday in Advent

You are welcome to attend in-person worship, or view our services online. 

In-Person Worship Guidelines

  • Masks are not required, but are available for your use.

  • Please use hand sanitizer when you enter.

  • If you have tested positive in the past week, or do not feel well, please stay home.


Each week we share a bulletin via email, and on our Facebook page.

You may join worship live or view a recording afterwards on the church Facebook page

You do not need to be logged into Facebook to view the video.

Check out the results of our conference gathering at

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The United Church of Christ has issued an appeal to support immediate needs for families and communities affected by Hurricanes Fiona and Ian.

Emergency response personnel are active. Relief agencies are meeting immediate needs where they can gain access to communities hard hit by the storm. United Church of Christ partners through National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster who focus on relief are implementing their plans. Global Ministries Area Executive for Latin America Angel Luis Rivera is in touch with bilateral partners. Conference leaders and Conference Disaster Coordinators are making contact, assessing needs, and communicating with the Global H.O.P.E. team so that help can be channeled, now and for the long term. 

Your generous financial support will be used by our partners in the areas of greatest need, for relief and long-term recovery. If you prefer, you may mail a check payable to the United Church of Christ, PO BOX 71957 Cleveland, OH 44194. Please be sure to note “Hurricanes 2022 Fund” in the memo section.

Thank you for your support.


Connect for news and updates:

News - United Church of Christ

Disaster Ministries - United Church of Christ



Learn about what's happening
in the Illinois Conference:

Conference E Newsletter

and around our denomination:

UCC News Digest


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No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here.

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them."

~Matthew 18:20

                                            Heifer Project

Heifer International is a global nonprofit working to eradicate poverty                               and hunger through sustainable, values-based holistic community development. 


A team of us worked construction at a Habitat for Humanity Work Site in Marengo on Saturday, Nov. 26. Thank you to Denny, Danny, Destini, Lillian, Doug, T.C., and Dave for participating!

Slideshow is below!



St. John's UCC
17824 Jefferson St
PO Box 401
Union, IL 60180-0401


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